Intensive courses



Montag bis Freitag: 09:00 -12:30 Uhr


Montag bis Freitag: 13:30 -17:00 Uhr

20 Unterrichtsstunden pro Woche, insgesamt 160 Unterrichtsstunden. Eine Unterrichtsstunde = 45 Minuten


♦ Kooperation mit Hochschule Trier: >> studienvorbereitende Deutschkurse.
Direkt mit dem TASI-Zertifikat C1 an der Hochschule Trier das Studium beginnen– ohne andere Prüfungen wie die DSH!

♦  Interaktiver Unterricht in Präsenz und auf >>zoom (wie im Kursraum, nur online) für gründliche Spracharbeit. Beispiel einer >>Unterrichtsstunde im Deutschkurs C1.

♦ Hochqualifizierte muttersprachliche >>Lehrkräfte

♦ Starker Fokus auf korrektes Sprechen und korrektes Schreiben

♦ Intensives Training für TestDaF, telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule und DSH

♦ Alle TASI-Lehrkräfte für die Niveaus B1, B2, C1 sind auch telc Prüfer

♦ Prüfungssimulationen inkl. Feedback

♦ Intensives Unterrichtsprogramm mit klaren Zielen

♦ Curriculum für systematischen Spracherwerb

♦ Jede Woche ein kurzer Test

♦ Regelmäßige Rückmeldungen zum individuellen Lernstand

♦ Freundliche und offene Atmosphäre im Kurs

♦ Nette und motivierte Teilnehmer

♦ Abschlussprüfung TASI Deutsch C1 (für zugelassene Teilnehmer kostenfrei) oder auf Wunsch, gegen Gebühr telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule (siehe Prüfungsgebühren und weitere Informationen >>hier).

Der Deutschkurs C1 ist ein Intensivkurs für Fortgeschrittene mit guten Deutschkenntnissen. Die schnelle Lernprogression ermöglicht es Ihnen, nach 8 Wochen die TASI-Prüfung der Niveaustufe C1 abzulegen. Teil des Unterrichts ist auch die Vorbereitung auf die Prüfungen telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule, TestDaF und DSH. Sie können telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule und TestDaF bei der TASI ablegen.

Im Kurs trainieren Sie alle Kompetenzen:

♦ Grammatik

♦ Hörverstehen

♦ Leseverstehen

♦ Textproduktion

♦ mündliche Kompetenz

♦ Prüfungsvorbereitung TestDaF, telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule, DSH

WICHTIG! Die Antworten zu häufig gestellten Fragen zu den TASI-Kursen finden Sie >>hier.

Teilnehmerzahl: max. 16

Kursbücher finden Sie >> hier

Änderungen vorbehalten.


Bevor Sie sich für den Kurs anmelden, müssen Sie einen TASI Einstufungstest machen. Bitte schreiben Sie dazu eine E-Mail an

>> Anmeldung


Kursgebühr 2024:

650 € – 8 Wochen – C1.1+C1.2 aufeinanderfolgend

375 € – 4 Wochen – C1.1 oder C1.2

Kursgebühr 2025:

690 € – 8 Wochen – C1.1+C1.2 aufeinanderfolgend

395 € – 4 Wochen – C1.1 oder C1.2


Alle Kurse in Präsenz und online.

C1: 14.08.-10.10.2024

C1.1. 14.08.-10.09.2024
C1.2. 11.09.-10.10.2024
TASI-Prüfung für die zugelassenen Teilnehmer in der Zeit vom 24.10.2024 bis zum 04.11.2024
>> Anmeldung

C1: 24.10.-20.12.2024

C1.1. 24.10.-22.11.2024
C1.2. 25.11.-20.12.2024
TASI-Prüfung für die zugelassenen Teilnehmer in der Zeit vom 06.01.2025 bis zum 13.01.2025
>> Anmeldung

C1: 13.01.-10.03.2025

C1.1. 13.01.-07.02.2025
C1.2. 10.02.-10.03.2025
TASI-Prüfung für die zugelassenen Teilnehmer in der Zeit vom 20.03.2025 bis zum 31.03.2025
>> Anmeldung

C1: 20.03.-20.05.2025

C1.1. 20.03.-16.04.2025
C1.2. 17.04.-20.05.2025
TASI-Prüfung für die zugelassenen Teilnehmer in der Zeit vom 02.06.2025 bis zum 16.06.2025
>> Anmeldung

C1: 02.06.-30.07.2025

C1.1. 02.06.-02.07.2025
C1.2. 03.07.-30.07.2025
TASI-Prüfung für die zugelassenen Teilnehmer in der Zeit vom 18.08.2025 bis zum 28.08.2025
>> Anmeldung

C1: 18.08.-13.10.2025

C1.1. 18.08.-12.09.2025
C1.2. 15.09.-13.10.2025
TASI-Prüfung für die zugelassenen Teilnehmer in der Zeit vom 27.10.2025 bis zum 10.11.2025
>> Anmeldung

C1: 27.10.-19.12.2025

C1.1. 27.10.-21.11.2025
C1.2. 24.11.-19.12.2025
TASI-Prüfung für die zugelassenen Teilnehmer in der Zeit vom 07.01.2026 bis zum 17.01.2026
>> Anmeldung



Class Schedule:

Monday to Friday: 09:00 AM – 12:30 PM


Monday to Friday: 01:30 PM – 05:00 PM

20 class hours per week, totaling 160 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Intensive weekly training for telc Deutsch B2

♦ All teachers for the levels B1, B2 and C1 are certified telc examiners

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Short tests every week to track your development

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

♦ Final TASI-exam B2 (for free only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam) or by request telc Deutsch B2 for  an exam fee (see the fees and further information >>here).

The B2 course is for upper intermediate users. After 8 weeks, you will be ready to take the B2 level TASI-exam. After passing the B2 level TASI-exam, you can continue directly with the C1 course.

The class deals with the following competences:

♦ Grammar

♦ Listening comprehension

♦ Reading comprehension

♦ Writing

♦ Speaking

♦ Training for telc Deutsch B2

IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.

Maximum number of participants: 16

You can find the books for the course>>here


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.

For more information e-mail us at

Before you can sign up for a course, you need to take a TASI placement test. To do so, please contact


>> Please register here


Course fee 2024:

650 € – 8 weeks – B2.1+B2.2, back-to-back

375 € – 4 weeks – B2.1 or B2.2

Course fee 2025:

690 € – 8 weeks – B2.1+B2.2, back-to-back

395 € – 4 weeks – B2.1 or B2.2


Course periods:

14.08.-10.10.2024 -In-class and online, or only online

B2.1. 14.08.-10.09.2024

B2.2. 11.09.-10.10.2024

Final exam between 24th of October and 4th of November 2024 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


24.10.-20.12.2024 -In-class and online, or only online

B2.1. 24.10.-22.11.2024

B2.2. 25.11.-20.12.2024

Final exam between 6th and 13th of Januar 2024 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.



13.01.-10.03.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B2.1. 13.01.-07.02.2025

B2.2. 10.02.-10.03.2025

Final exam between 20th and 31st of March 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


20.03.-20.05.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B2.1. 20.03.-20.05.2025

B2.2. 17.04.-20.05.2025

Final exam between 02nd and 16th of Juni 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


02.06.-30.07.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B2.1. 02.06.-02.07.2025

B2.2. 03.07.-30.07.2025

Final exam between 18th and 28th of August 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


18.08.-13.10.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B2.1  18.08.-12.09.2025

B2.2. 15.09.-13.10.2025

Final exam between 27th and 11th of October 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.



27.10.-19.12.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B2.1  27.10.-21.11.2025

B2.2. 24.11.-19.12.2025

Final exam between 07th and 17th of Januar 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


Class Schedule:

Monday to Friday: 09:00 AM – 12:30 PM


Monday to Friday: 01:30 PM – 05:00 PM

20 class hours per week, totaling 160 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Intensive programm with clear goals

♦ Intensive training for the exam telc Deutsc B1

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Short tests every week to track your development

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

♦ Final TASI-exam B1 (for free only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam) or by request telc Deutsch B1 for  an exam fee (see the fees and further information >>here).

The B1 course is for intermediate users. After 8 weeks, you will be ready to take the B1 level exam. After passing the B1 level exam, you can continue directly with the B2 course.

Trained language skills:

♦ Grammar

♦ Listening  comprehension

♦ Reading comprehension

♦ Writing

♦ Speaking

IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions here.

Number of participants: approximately 16

You can find the books for the course >>here

We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.

For more information e-mail us at

>> Please register here

Before you can sign up for a course, you need to take a TASI placement test. To do so, please contact


Course fee 2024:

650 € – 8 weeks – B1.1+B1.2, back-to-back

375 € – 4 weeks – B1.1 or B1.2

Course fee 2025:

690 € – 8 weeks – B1.1+B1.2, back-to-back

395 € – 4 weeks – B1.1 or B1.2


Course periods:

14.08.-10.10.2024 -In-class and online, or only online

B1.1. 14.08.-10.09.2024

B1.2. 11.09.-10.10.2024

Final exam between 24th of October and 4th of November 2024 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


24.10.-20.12.2024 -In-class and online, or only online

B1.1. 24.10.-22.11.2024

B1.2. 25.11.-20.12.2024

Final exam between 6th and 13th of Januar 2024 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


13.01.-10.03.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B1.1. 13.01.-07.02.2025

B1.2. 10.02.-10.03.2025

Final exam between 20th and 31st of March 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


20.03.-20.05.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B1.1. 20.03.-20.05.2025

B1.2. 17.04.-20.05.2025

Final exam between 02nd and 16th of Juni 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


02.06.-30.07.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B1.1. 02.06.-02.07.2025

B1.2. 03.07.-30.07.2025

Final exam between 18th and 28th of August 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


18.08.-13.10.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B1.1  18.08.-12.09.2025

B1.2. 15.09.-13.10.2025

Final exam between 27th and 11th of October 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.



27.10.-19.12.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

B1.1  27.10.-21.11.2025

B1.2. 24.11.-19.12.2025

Final exam between 07th and 17th of Januar 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration



Class Schedule:

Monday to Friday: 09:00 AM – 12:30 PM


Monday to Friday: 01:30 PM – 05:00 PM

20 class hours per week, totaling 160 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Intensive programm with clear goals

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Short tests every week to track your development

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

♦ Final TASI-exam after A2.2

The A2 intensive course is for beginners with some previous knowledge of German. After 8 weeks, you will be ready to take the A2 level exam. After passing the A2 level TASI-exam, you can continue directly with the B1 course.

Trained language skills:

♦ Grammar

♦ Listening  comprehension

♦ Reading comprehension

♦ Writing

♦ Speaking

IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >> here.

Maximum number of participants: 16

You can find the books for the course >>here


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.


Before you can sign up for a course, you need to take a TASI placement test. To do so, please contact


>> Please register here

Course fee 2024:

650 € – 8 weeks – A2.1+A2.2, back-to-back

375 € – 4 weeks – A2.1 or A2.2

Course fee 2025:

690 € – 8 weeks – A2.1+A2.2, back-to-back

395 € – 4 weeks – A2.1 or A2.2

Course periods:

14.08.-10.10.2024 -In-class and online, or only online

A2.1. 14.08.-10.09.2024

A2.2. 11.09.-10.10.2024

Final exam between 24th of October and 4th of November 2024 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


24.10.-20.12.2024 -In-class and online, or only online

A2.1. 24.10.-22.11.2024

A2.2. 25.11.-20.12.2024

Final exam between 6th and 13th of Januar 2024 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


13.01.-10.03.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A2.1. 13.01.-07.02.2025

A2.2. 10.02.-10.03.2025

Final exam between 20th and 31st of March 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


20.03.-20.05.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A2.1. 20.03.-20.05.2025

A2.2. 17.04.-20.05.2025

Final exam between 02nd and 16th of Juni 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


02.06.-30.07.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A2.1. 02.06.-02.07.2025

A2.2. 03.07.-30.07.2025

Final exam between 18th and 28th of August 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


18.08.-13.10.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A2.1  18.08.-12.09.2025

A2.2. 15.09.-13.10.2025

Final exam between 27th and 11th of October 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.



27.10.-19.12.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A2.1  27.10.-21.11.2025

A2.2. 24.11.-19.12.2025

Final exam between 07th and 17th of Januar 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration



Class Schedule:

Monday to Friday: 09:00 AM – 12:30 PM


Monday to Friday: 01:30 PM – 05:00 PM

20 class hours per week, totaling 160 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Intensive programm with clear goals

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Short tests every week to track your development

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

♦ Final TASI-exam after A1.2

The A1 intensive course is for beginners without previous knowledge of German.

After 8 weeks, you will be ready to take the A1 level exam. After passing the A1 level TASI-exam, you can continue directly with the A2 course.

Trained language  skills:

♦ Pronunciation and Speaking

♦ Vocabulary

♦ Grammar

♦ Listening  comprehension

♦ Reading comprehension

♦ Writing

IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.

Maximum number of participants: 16


You can find the books for the course >>here


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.

For more information e-mail us at .

Before you can sign up for a course, you need to take a TASI placement test. To do so, please contact

>> Please register here

Course fee 2024:

650 € –  8 weeks – A1.1+A1.2, back-to-back

375 € – 4 weeks – A1.1 or A1.2

Course fee 2025:

690 € – 8 weeks – A1.1+A1.2, back-to-back

395 € – 4 weeks – A1.1 or A1.2

Course periods:

14.08.-10.10.2024 -In-class and online, or only online

A1.1. 14.08.-10.09.2024

A1.2. 11.09.-10.10.2024

Final exam between 24th of October and 4th of November 2024 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


24.10.-20.12.2024 -In-class and online, or only online

A1.1. 24.10.-22.11.2024

A1.2. 25.11.-20.12.2024

Final exam between 6th and 13th of Januar 2024 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


13.01.-10.03.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A1.1. 13.01.-07.02.2025

A1.2. 10.02.-10.03.2025

Final exam between 20th and 31st of March 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


20.03.-20.05.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A1.1. 20.03.-20.05.2025

A1.2. 17.04.-20.05.2025

Final exam between 02nd and 16th of Juni 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


02.06.-30.07.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A1.1. 02.06.-02.07.2025

A1.2. 03.07.-30.07.2025

Final exam between 18th and 28th of August 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


18.08.-13.10.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A1.1  18.08.-12.09.2025

A1.2. 15.09.-13.10.2025

Final exam between 27th and 11th of October 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.



27.10.-19.12.2025 -In-class and online, or only online

A1.1  27.10.-21.11.2025

A1.2. 24.11.-19.12.2025

Final exam between 07th and 17th of Januar 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


Saturday courses


Class Schedule:

Saturdays: 10:00 AM – 01:30 PM

Tuesdays: 06:30 PM – 08:00 PM

Saturday and Evening Course A1.1: 6 class hours per week, totaling 48 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.

Saturday and Evening Course A1.2: 6 class hours per week, totaling 48 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Strong focus on speaking and writing correctly

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Short tests every week to track your development

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

♦ Final TASI-exam after A1.2 free of charge for the participants who meet the requirements

The A1 Saturday+evening course is for beginners without previous knowledge of German. Requirement: The participants should master the latin alphabet at the beginning of the course.

At the end of the course A1.2 you will be able to have very simple, short conversations in German about easy topics like your family, your house, shopping etc. You will be able to speak and write short sentences in present and past.

Please note: In the A1 course you will cover the base of the grammar and the most fundamental words of the German language. This means that every week you will have to learn new rules and new words. In class the teacher will introduce and explain to you the new topics, you will practice them with the other participants, but the actual memorization has to take place outside of the course. You will have to learn many things by heart and do a lot of homework!


IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.


You can take an A1 level exam and continue directly with the Saturday course A2.1.

Number of participants: max. 6.


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.

For more information please e-mail us at


Before you can sign up for a course, you need to take a TASI placement test. To do so, please contact

>> Register here

Course fee 2023:

Evening + Saturday course  A1.1:  450 € / 8 weeks

Evening + Saturday course A1.2:  450 € / 8 weeks



Course periods:

A1.1:  26.10.-14.12.2024 – Online

No final exam!>

>> Registration


A1.2:  18.01.-15.03.2025- Online

Final exam between 20th and 31st of March 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


A1.1:  29.03.-17.05.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


A1.2:  07.06.-26.07.2025- Online

Final exam between 18th and 28th of August 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


A1.1:  25.10.-20.12.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


Class Schedule:

Saturdays: 10:00 AM – 01:30 PM

Saturday Course A2.1: 4 class hours per week, totaling 32 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.

Saturday Course A2.2: 4 class hours per week, totaling 32 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Intensive programm with clear goals

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Short tests every week to track your development

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

♦ Final TASI-exam after A2.2

The A2 Saturday course is for beginners with previous knowledge of German.
At the end of the course you can take an A2 level exam and continue directly with the Saturday course B1.1.

Number of participants: max. 10


IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.


You can find the books for the course >>here


Before you can sign up for a course, you need to take a TASI placement test. To do so, please contact


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.

For more information please e-mail us at

>> Register here


Course fee 2024:

Saturday course  A2.1: 300 €, 8 weeks
Saturday course  A2.2: 300 €, 8 weeks

Course periods:

A2.1:  26.10.-14.12.2024 – Online

No final exam!>

>> Registration


A2.2:  18.01.-15.03.2025- Online

Final exam between 20th and 31st of March 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


A2.1:  29.03.-17.05.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


A2.2:  07.06.-26.07.2025- Online

Final exam between 18th and 28th of August 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


A2.1:  25.10.-20.12.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration



Class Schedule:

Saturdays: 10:00 AM – 1:30 PM

B1.1 Saturday Course: 4 class hours per week, totaling 36 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.

B1.2 Saturday Course: 4 class hours per week, totaling 36 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Intensive programm with clear goals

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Short tests every week to track your development

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

♦ Final TASI-exam only after Saturday course B1.2: TASI-exam Deutsch B1 (for free only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam) or by request telc Deutsch B1 for  an exam fee (see the fees and further information >>here).

The B1 Saturday course is for intermediate users.

Number of participants: max. 10.


IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.


You can find the books for the course >>here


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.


For more information e-mail us at .


>> Please register here


Before you can sign up for a course, you need to take a TASI placement test. To do so, please contact

Course fee 2024:

Saturday course B1.1:  350 €, 9 Wochen

Saturday course B1.2:  350 €, 9 Wochen


Course periods:

B1.1: 26.10.-21.12.2024 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


B1.2:  18.01.-22.03.2025- Online

Final exam between 20th and 31st of March 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


B1.1:  29.03.-25.05.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


B1.2:  07.06.-02.08.2025- Online

Final exam between 18th and 28th of August 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


B1.1:  25.10.-27.12.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


Class Schedule:

Saturdays: 10:00 AM – 1:30 PM

B2.1 Saturday Course: 4 class hours per week, totaling 36 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.

B2.2 Saturday Course: 4 class hours per week, totaling 36 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Intensive programm with clear goals

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Short tests every week to track your development

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

♦ Final TASI-exam only after Saturday course B2.2: TASI-exam Deutsch B2 (for free only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam) or by request telc Deutsch B2 for  an exam fee (see the fees and further information >>here).

The B2 Saturday course is for intermediate users.

Number of participants: max. 10.


IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.


You can find the books for the course >>here


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.


For more information e-mail us at .


Before you can sign up for a course, you need to take a TASI placement test. To do so, please contact

>> Please register here.

Course fee 2024:

Saturday course B2.1:  350 €, 9 weeks

Saturday course B2.2: 350 €, 9 weeks

Course periods:

B2.1: 26.10.-21.12.2024 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


B2.2:  18.01.-22.03.2025- Online

Final exam between 20th and 31st of March 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


B2.1:  29.03.-25.05.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


B2.2:  07.06.-02.08.2025- Online

Final exam between 18th and 28th of August 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


B2.1:  25.10.-27.12.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


Class Schedule:

Saturdays: 10:00 AM – 01:30 PM

Saturday Course C1.1: 4 class hours per week, totaling 32 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.

Saturday Course C2.2: 4 class hours per week, totaling 32 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Intensive programm with clear goals

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Short tests every week to track your development

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

♦ Final TASI-exam only after Saturday course C1.2: TASI-exam Deutsch C1 (for free only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam) or by request telc Deutsch C1 for  an exam fee (see the fees and further information >>here).

The C1 Saturday course is for intermediate users.

Number of participants: max.1 0


You can find the books for the course >>here


IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.


Before you can sign up for a course, you need to take a TASI placement test. To do so, please contact


>> Please register here.

Course fee 2024:

Saturday course C1.1: 300 €, 8 weeks

Saturday course C1.2: 300 €, 8 weeks

Course periods:

C1.1:  26.10.-14.12.2024 – Online

No final exam!>

>> Registration


C1.2:  18.01.-15.03.2025- Online

Final exam between 20th and 31st of March 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


C1.1:  29.03.-17.05.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration


C1.2:  07.06.-26.07.2025- Online

Final exam between 18th and 28th of August 2025 only for the participants who fulfill the requirements for the admission to the exam.

>> Registration


C1.1:  25.10.-20.12.2025 – Online

No final exam!

>> Registration

Courses for doctors


Im Foto: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Plumpe, Leiter des Kurses zur Vorbereitung auf die Fachsprachenprüfung



Montag bis Freitag: 13:00-16:30 Uhr Uhr

20 Unterrichtsstunden pro Woche, insgesamt 80 Unterrichtsstunden. Eine Unterrichtsstunde = 45 Minuten


Sehr zu empfehlen! Sehr professionelles Personal und der Vorbereitungskurs auf die Fachsprachenprüfung für Ärzte ist einfach der beste!
∼  Entjola Haka, Ärztin aus Albanien. Entjola  hat die Fachsprachenprüfung im September 2020 bestanden, erster Versuch. Sie hat vom Juni bis Juli 2020 den Vorbereitungskurs besucht. 

“Dieser Kurs ist perfekt als Vorbereitung auf die FSP. Intensiv und sehr zielorientiert!”
∼ Ali Mughrabi, Arzt aus Libyen. Ali hat die Fachsprachenprüfung im November 2020 bestanden, zweiter Versuch. Er hat vom Oktober bis November 2020 den Vorbereitungskurs besucht.

♦ Lehrkräfte: >>Prof. Dr. Gerhard Plumpe; >> Dr. Britta Weimann; >> Volker Meise

♦ Interaktiver Unterricht auf >>zoom (wie im Kursraum, nur online) für gründliche Spracharbeit

♦ Mehrere Sitzungen mit deutschen Ärzten

♦ Starker Fokus auf korrektes Sprechen und korrektes Schreiben

♦ Intensive Übungen und detaillierte Korrekturen zu:

– Arzt-Patienten-Gesprächen

– Arzt-Arzt-Gesprächen

– Arztbriefen

– Tests mit medizinischen Fachbegriffen

♦ Intensives Unterrichtsprogramm mit klaren Zielen

♦ Jede Woche mehrere kurze Tests

♦ Regelmäßige Rückmeldungen zum individuellen Lernstand

♦ Freundliche und offene Atmosphäre im Kurs

♦ Nette und motivierte Teilnehmer

“Ich habe sehr gute Erfahrungen mit Herrn Plumpe und TASI gesammelt. Ich habe einen Online-Medizin-Kurs für die Fachsprachenprüfung gemacht und würde ihn gerne allen Ärzten und Ärztinnen sehr stark empfehlen. Man kann besonders beim Online-Kurs nicht nur Zeit sparen, sondern auch richtig gut lernen. Ich bin der TASI und Herrn Plumpe für Ihren sehr tollen perfekten Unterricht sehr dankbar  und wünsche ihnen alles Gute für die Zukunft!”
∼ Preksha Dubey, Ärztin aus Indien.  Preksha hat vom August bis September 2020 den Vorbereitungskurs besucht. Sie hat die Fachsprachenprüfung im Oktober 2020 bestanden, erster Versuch.

Ein Video mit zusätzlichen Erklärungen zum Kurs finden Sie auf  >>Youtube.

Dieser Kurs ist für Ärztinnen und Ärzte, die sich auf die Fachsprachenprüfung für ausländische Ärzte in Rheinland-Pfalz  oder Hessen (FSP) vorbereiten wollen. Die Teilnehmer üben sehr intensiv die in der FSP geprüften Kompetenzen: vor allem Arzt-Patienten-Gespräche zu verschiedenen relevanten Krankheiten (Anamnesegespräche) und Arzt-Arzt-Gespräche, medizinische Fachbegriffe und ihre “Übersetzung” in das Deutsch von Patienten, Arztbriefe, Telefonate, Beantwortung von Fragen zum medizinischen Lese- und Hörverstehen sowie das sprachlich und inhaltlich korrekte Schreiben des Anamnesebogens. Deutsche Ärzte unterrichten mehrere Sitzungen des Kurses. Voraussetzung zur Kursteilnahme sind Deutschkenntnisse, die mindestens ein gutes B2-Niveau erreichen.

Vor dem Kursbeginn lernen Sie bitte die folgenden Fachbegriffe für die Prüfung: >>Liste Fachbegriffe

Dieser Kurs ist für Zahnärzte und Apotheker NICHT geeignet.

Stundenzahl: 20 Unterrichtsstunden pro Woche (1 Unterrichtsstunde = 45 Minuten), insgesamt 80 Unterrichtsstunden

Kurszeiten: Montag-Freitag 13:00-16:30 Uhr

Teilnehmerzahl: 5-12

Änderungen vorbehalten.

Für weitere Fragen:

Bevor Sie sich für den Kurs anmelden, müssen Sie einen TASI Einstufungstest machen. Bitte schreiben Sie dazu eine E-Mail an

>> Anmeldung


Kursgebühr für den 4-wöchigen Kurs: 650 €.


Alle Kurse in Präsenz und online.

19.08.-09.09.2024 – Online und Präsenz – In diesem Kurs wird auch die FaMed-Prüfung vorgestellt.
>> Anmeldung

28.10.-25.11.2024 – Online und Präsenz – In diesem Kurs wird auch die FaMed-Prüfung vorgestellt.
>> Anmeldung

13.01.-20.02.2025 – Online und Präsenz – In diesem Kurs wird auch die FaMed-Prüfung vorgestellt.
>> Anmeldung

24.03.-22.04.2025 – Online und Präsenz – In diesem Kurs wird auch die FaMed-Prüfung vorgestellt.
>> Anmeldung

02.06.-02.07.2025 – Online und Präsenz – In diesem Kurs wird auch die FaMed-Prüfung vorgestellt.
>> Anmeldung

18.08.-12.09.2025 – Online und Präsenz – In diesem Kurs wird auch die FaMed-Prüfung vorgestellt.
>> Anmeldung

27.10.-21.11.2025 – Online und Präsenz – In diesem Kurs wird auch die FaMed-Prüfung vorgestellt.
>> Anmeldung



You want to work especially focused on your language skills? You are looking for individual and flexible lessons?
You would like to have a “personal coach” for your language proficiency?
You have come to the right place! Talk to us and we will find a suitable solution for you!

Appointments and topics according to agreement.

One-time only appointments possible.

Price: €45 per lesson (45 minutes)

You can choose the length of the sessions: 45, 60, 75 or 90 minutes.




45€ pro Unterrichtsstunde
Eine Unterrichtsstunde = 45 Minuten.



Class Schedule:

Tuesdays: 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM

3 class hours per week, totaling 21 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes

3 class hours per week, totaling 12 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Strong focus on speaking and writing correctly

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

The grammar course is for intermediate users who would like to work on their grammar.

Minimum number of participants: 10


You can find the books >>here


IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.

We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.

For more information e-mail us at .


>> Please register here.

Course fee:

Registration fee for the 7 week course:

150 € for participants in our  intensive courses
200 € for participants who attend only this course

Registration fee for the 4 week course:

100 € for participants in our intensive courses
150 € for participants who attend only this course

Course periods:

20.08.-01.10.2024- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

29.10.-10.12.2024- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

21.01.-04.03.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

01.04.-13.05.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

10.06.-22.07.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

26.08.-07.10.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

04.11.-16.12.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at


Class Schedule:

Mondays: 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM

3 class hours per week, totaling 21 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes

3 class hours per week, totaling 12 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Strong focus on speaking and writing correctly

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

The grammar course is for advanced users who would like to work on their grammar.

Minimum number of participants: 10

You can find the books >>here


IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.

For more information e-mail us at

>> Please register here.

Course fee 2024:

Registration fee for the 7 week course:

150 € for participants in our  intensive courses
200 € for participants who attend only this course

Registration fee for the 4 week course:

100 € for participants in our intensive courses
150 € for participants who attend only this course

Course periods 2024:

19.08.-30.09.2024- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

28.10-09.12.2024- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

20.01-03.03.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

31.03-12.05.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

09.06-21.07.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

25.08-06.10.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

03.11-15.12.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at


Class Schedule:

Wednesdays: 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM

3 class hours per week, totaling 21 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Strong focus on speaking and writting correctly

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

The  course Conversation and Pronunciation B1-B2 is specifically for participants who want to improve their speaking abilities. In this course different interesting topics will be discussed and exercises for pronunciation are the main focus.

The course treats the following topics:

 Small-talk with Germans about vacation and about family

– Conversations on the phone: asking for information, giving infomation, making/confirming/postponing appointments

– Negotiations: about discount, and about terms in work contract

– Job interview

– Formal and informal speech and expressions

– Gestures, facial expressions, eye contact: communication with and without words


Minimun number of participants: 4


IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.

For more information e-mail us at .

>> Please register here.


Fee for 7 week course

150 €  for participants who attend an intensive course at the same time.
200 € for participants who attend only this course.

Course periods 2024:

21.08.-02.10.2024- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

30.10.-11.12.2024- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

22.01.-05.03.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

02.04.-14.05.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

11.06.-23.07.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

27.08.-08.10.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

05.11.-17.12.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at


Class Schedule:

Tuesdays: 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM

3 class hours per week, totaling 21 class hours. One class hour = 45 minutes.


♦ Interactive classes on >>zoom (just like in-class, but online)

♦ All TASI-teachers are native speakers of German with a university degree in the field of DaF – Teaching German as a Foreign Language, or German literature and linguistics. See their profiles >>here.

♦ Interactive classes with detailed oriented teaching style

♦ Strong focus on speaking and writing correctly

♦ Structured curriculum for systematic learning progress

♦ Detailed feedback on your progress

♦ Friendly and open atmosphere in the class

♦ Highly motivated participants

The writing course is especially designed for participants who want to improve their writing skills for the language levels B2 and C1. We are dealing with different types of texts and their characteristics, as well as writing texts in class and at home. We are discussing your texts in class in order to improve your writing.

This class covers the following topics:

– non-fictional texts and their characteristics: e-mails, letters, argumentative texts, description of graphs, job applications

– text structure

– useful phrases

– steps of the writing process (plan, draft, revise)

– examples of assignments and of the correspondent texts


Minimum number of participants: 4


IMPORTANT! Please find the answers to frequently asked questions >>here.


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.

For more information e-mail us at .

Please register here.



Course fee for 7 weeks:

150 € for participants who attend an additional course at the same time.
200 € for participants who attend only this course

Course periods 2024:

20.08.-01.10.2024- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

29.10.-10.12.2024- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

21.01.-04.03.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

01.04.-13.05.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

10.06.-22.07.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

26.08.-07.10.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at

04.11.-16.12.2025- Online

Registration and Payment deadline 7 days before course  – For registration after deadline please contact us at